Dublin Portal

Unveiled in May 2024, the Dublin Portal is positioned facing the capital's main street, O'Connell Street. It became the fourth Portal in a global network of identical Portal sculptures. Being all located in the public space, Portals offer a real-time, unfiltered livestream 24/7, inviting people of different cultures to meet above borders and differences.
Dublin, where cobblestone streets lead to cutting-edge ideas and cozy pubs, is a city buzzing with energy and opportunity. As a hub for technology, it attracts professionals and entrepreneurs eager to be part of its dynamic scene. Positioned as the gateway to Europe, Dublin welcomes travelers with its vibrant culture and thriving economy, offering a warm introduction to the continent's wonders. Recently honored as the EU Capital of Smart Tourism in 2024, Dublin stands as a beacon of innovation and charm.

"One of my key aims as Lord Mayor is to make the City more inclusive. The Portals project embodies this bringing together technology, engineering and art to bring communities from across the world closer together and to allow people to meet and connect outside of their social circles and cultures. We are delighted to connect Dublin with New York which we share a deep historical and cultural bond with. From July the Dublin Portal will also connect to other global city destinations in Poland, Brazil and Lithuania. I would encourage Dubliners and visitors to the City to come and interact with the sculpture and extend an Irish welcome and kindness to cities all over the world. This project is an example of one of the many exciting things to expect in Dublin during 2024 as part of our EU Capital of Smart Tourism Designation."

The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Daithí de Róiste

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